Wednesday, July 14, 2010

NoNews Preview: Samurai Blue

Since there is no news on the new series.... those who have notwatched any of the Shinkenger episodes or watch sentai, here is a preview of the Blue Ranger, his weapons and Zord.

 (all tentative or Japanese names highlighted gray to be changed later)
Samurai Blue's helmet symbol translates from Japanese into "Water"
A common disk (not pictured)  is attached to his sword and spun rapidly with his fingers.
It transforms into his power weapon, the Water Arrow 
The Water Dragon Disk(Pictured above) is attached and gives the arrow its power.
 The Blue Ranger's morpher is his Origami, the Ryu or Dragon.
The Blue Ranger writes the symbol for "Big" that makes his Origami grow large to become the Water Dragon Origami Zord which can join with the Megazord to form it's left leg.

A preview of Super Samurai Blue
and a preview of his finisher.

 But who will play Baron and join the Blue Legacy?

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