Friday, July 9, 2010

What Made MMPR Great #4: The Command Center

(Click the video below to watch the video)

There are few settings in the Power Rangers that are such a large part of the show that without that setting, the show would not be the same. Time Force had the clocktower, Mystic Force had their own fortress inside a tree and In Space had the Astro Megaship.  
The YouTube video above has all the best moments of the Command Center's history. Take a look at it and come back for some nostalgia!

The Command Center was the very first time we got a glimpse into the Power Ranger universe. It is where we meet Zordon and Alpha, it is where the rangers get their powers, weapons and strategies for battle. Most memorable moments happen within the Command Center
New Rangers were introduced, Ranger powers were transferred and crisis averted. 

Who could forget the first time we saw Zordon in the giant green tube, the funny robot assistant and the neon (Oh man the neon!). How many times did we see the Green Ranger destroy the control panels and listen as he mocked Zordon. I can still see the first time the White Ranger ascended from above as Kimberly fainted! Remember observing the viewing globe and how many times it seemed like Zordon was lost?

The Command Center began on the very first episode, was destroyed a few times by the Green Ranger and was imploded by Goldar and Rito in Season 3. When Zeo began an entirely new Command Center, now branded The Power Chamber, was introduced and ran on the show until the finale of Turbo when Divatox and her forces destroyed it once and for all.

The "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie" Command Center was re-vamped for the movie. I, for one, loved the design but was put off by Zordon's head. It just wasnt the same all white up there!

Take a look at the video above for some Nostalgia of all the BEST moments in the Command Center's 5 year tenure! 

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