Friday, July 16, 2010

What Made MMPR Great #5: Most Memorable Monsters

(click below to view the video)

One of the greatest parts of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was that every single day when you tuned it to watch, there was a different monster ready to take on the Power Rangers. Most of the monster who are remembered are usually the funniest and random monsters. This list of 4 monsters is by no means a "Best of" list for the entire season or series, but these 4 are the monsters that I remember the most and will never forget watching these episodes.

 Pudgy Pig, a monster released on Angel Grove to ruin the Food Festival! In his piggish rampage he devoured anything in sight, including all the food! The Rangers went into battle against him; losing their weapons to his massive appetite. Pudgy Pig was defeated by eating a spicy radish causing him to puke up all the weapons, which the Rangers used to destroy him! What makes him great? People who haven't watched in years or never have, know Pudgy Pig.

Eye Guy, an ancient monster revived once more for Rita's evil plan to kidnap the smartest children. Billy's friend Willy was captured inside of Eye Guy's massive center eye. It was up to the Blue Ranger to save him by destroying his eye with the Power Lance. Eye Guy would appear a few more times, including being a guest at Zedd and Rita's wedding.

Everyone had forgotten Zack's birthday and to make him feel worse, Rita sent down the Knasty Knight wielding a massive sword. Zack took on this monster by himself for most of the battle, which is what made this episode great! Knasty Knight is most memorable to me because I had that VHS, but it was an awesome Episode. One of the best prior to GwE!

Oh, Terror Toad. One of my all-time favorites in general. This monster came to attack the Rangers when Kimberly and Billy were under a spell to make them Bullies! While Alpha figured out the antidote, the remaining Rangers took on the Terror Toad. Sadly, they were all taken into his stomach by his glowing tongue! The Rangers' helmets appear on his belly when he eats them. As Alpha breaks the spell on Kim and Billy, they head into the flight. Billy ends up being eaten as well but Kimberly comes in at the end and kicks ass with her Bow.  
An awesome scene for Pink Ranger fans!

Take A Look At The Video Above for the Monster Re-cap!

Remember the days when there was a new monster everyday? I do.
What were your favorite/memorable Monsters?

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