Saturday, August 14, 2010

Felix Ryan Cast as Skinny Mack, headed to NZ

More casting news is surfacing on the internet discussion boards. We have a new addition to the cast, starring as Skinny Mack (The Comic Relief ala Bulk and Skull) is Felix Ryan!
Still no news on the casting of Big Jack, Richard, Princess Megan and Juzo.


  1. hahah yes!!! Im so happy they chose Felix!!! Cant wait to see him!! <33333333

  2. omg thats perfect! he is too good of an actor for Saban to let him go! Im so glad he keeps in touch with his fans! freakin cool guy!

  3. They could not have picked a better Skinny Mack!! This guy is perfect!!! I like how he looks different in every picture! Perfect choice!

  4. i think he'd be a better green ranger than the guy they have now cuz he kinda reminds me of chaki idky but he does

  5. They changed the character name to Spike!! I think its a much better name and it fits him well! (:


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