Friday, January 1, 2010

Power Rangers Samurai: The Arsenal

The Samuraizers
The Samurai Rangers' Morpher. By calling out the phrase, "Go-Go Samurai" the Rangers turn the Samuraizer from Phone to Brush. Each Ranger writes their Samurai symbol of Power to complete the morphing sequence.

Each Ranger is Equipped with Samurai Spin Sword

Spin Sword Quintuple Slash!
The Rangers slash in unison

The Disks
Attached to each Rangers belt, when placed on their weapons
the disk create a Power Up their attacks!

The Secret Beetle Disk
Powers Up the Fire Smasher & Creates the Beetle Cannon when combined.
This Disk also commands the Beetle Zord.

 The Lost Swordfish Disk
Can also combined with the Fire Smasher to create the 5-Disk Swordfish Cannon.
Ths Disk also commands the Swordfish Zord.

Samurai Mega Blades
Used in the Megazord cockpit; an upgraded Spin Sword

Red Ranger's Fire Smasher
Attack: Fire Smasher

Green Ranger's Forest Spear
Attack: Leaf Storm

Blue Ranger's Hydro Bow
Attack:  Dragon Splash

Pink Ranger's Sky Fan
Attack: Airway

 Yellow Ranger's Earth Slicer
Attack: Seismic Swing

5- Disk Beetle Cannon
When all the disks combine onto Red Ranger's Fire Smasher, 
with the power of Beetle Disk they release a fiery finisher!
The 5-Disk Swordfish Cannon
A Cannon finisher with the Swordfish Disk attached

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