Monday, February 7, 2011

Power Rangers Samurai Premieres!! What Did You Think?

        It's been a long time coming and finally we got to see the Premiere of Power Rangers Samurai!
       For me, this was not just the beginning of a season of Power Rangers, but it was more the premiere of the Resurrection of the Power Rangers. Saban taking back what was rightfully his and releasing the series from its Disney Prison. I hope and still do, that this was enough to bring fans back to the series or new fans. Hell! It was anough for me to start this blog, once I heard MMPR v2 was being cancelled. What a terrible few months that was!
       I can't, on this blog or anywhere, come out here and say "That sucked!" or "That rocked!"giving it my disgust or happy rants. Instead, I will speak only for this episode and its meaning to the ressurrection of the Power Rangers.
      I loved every freaking minute of it! From the Opening theme mixed with a sweet bassline of the Original Theme; to the Rita Repulsa inspired music aboard Master Xandred's ship! The Villains I loved as well, hoping to see a lot more moments like those aboard his ship. Dayu's voice left something to be desired, but I'm sure Kate Elliot will play into her role well over time. 
     The Rangers seem to work well together in human and Ranger form. Their rapport with each other is fantastic, this is an great cast! So far the Shinkenger footage is utlized wonderfully. and hinestly I like the idea of them adapting straight from Shinkenger, I jutst do!
     The Megazord battle was very well done in conjunction with the Mega Suit scenes and the intensity of the re-imagined finisher is epic! Not to mention the new HD look and feel of the Rangers on Nick.
     All in all, it was everything I expected.  Sadly, this episode was full of the clips we had already seen over the past week. This leaves me waiting for next Sunday anxiously!

What did you think?
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